Hello families, I have been quite ill the past couple weeks and was so happy to finally be back in the classroom this week. I missed the class so much! In Science we have been "diving" into learning about underwater life, specifically fish species native to Alberta. We are so curious which species is in the Learning Commons aquarium! Students are excited to show you all their great work during student led conferences next week. In Social Studies we are learning about communities, specifically the ones each of us are apart of such as teams, clubs, and neighbourhoods. We looked at a map and found LBS, then zoomed out to see some of the neighbourhoods in Calgary, then the whole city, province, and country. We then began creating sketchbook pages that reflect our communities. In English Language Arts we began planing, drafting, and creating final copies of letters to a loved one. Our goal this week was adding detail to our letters as well as including an introduction and conclus...