February 24, 2023

Hello families, Is was a snowy week as we came back from the long weekend to a huge snowfall! On Wednesday it was Pink Shirt Day. Grades 3-6 were away at the Be Brave game so the grade 1/2s had the school all to ourselves! We took advantage of this by creating stations around the school with activities based on showing kindness and making a difference. Some areas included the library, gym, grade 5/6 portables, and some grade 3/4 classrooms. Students also got to have a big picnic in the gym during lunch with all their peers! Many students were away this week sick (including myself) so we did not start our new Writing Workshop. We began to discuss letter writing and next week we will be starting a new Writing Workshop using mentor texts such as, The Day the Crayons Quit and I Wanna Iguana. In math we began learning about friendly numbers. These are numbers that can be easily added on to that have 0s in them such as 10, 30, 50, 100, 150, and 1000. Students practice...