February 27th 2025

Hello families,

This week in math we applied our knowledge of place value and expanded form to learn the Montessori stamp game material. This is a great material to use before moving into standard algorithm (stacking) and supports the understanding of number value using manipulatives. It is also an excellent material to learn regrouping with! 

Check out https://montessoritools.org/ if you are interested in exploring some virtual Montessori materials with your child.

In writing students wrote about their weekends and practiced their editing skills to check for sight word spelling, spaces, capitals and grammar. They are getting very good and giving specific and helpful feedback to each other!

We learned about the trigraphs _tch and _dge. 

We completed our writing workshop and the Seven Sacred teachings art to go with it.  They look wonderful! Many students connected with the teaching of the eagle which is love.




Words Of The Week

In science we discovered that the species in the aquarium are rainbow trout! Students learned about trout anatomy and labeled a diagram. We have been reading books about fresh and saltwater bodies. Ask you child what type of water rainbow trout live in!

As part of a whole school community initiative, each class went on a walk to explore some of the ways we can to walk to the school building safely. Our class found the no stopping/parking zones around the school and brainstormed places that parents can park when dropping their children off. Some ideas included parking on the road along the far school field and at Wapta park around the corner. Taking an extra moment to walk a little further helps ensure the safety of all our students and families.


 Your child came home with book made by the grade 3/4s in Mr. Links class to further promote a safe journey to school!

On Pink Shirt day students designed their our own pink shirts and created acrostic poems about kindness.

In S.E.L. with Mr. Ripka students discussed the importance of Pink Shirt day and completed a guided drawing.


To honour of Black History Month we continued learning about artist Charles McGee and completed the final copies of our art to create a collaberative piece with all the grade 1/2 classes

Buddy time!

In gym we started our badminton unit. Students practiced hitting the birdie underhand and overhand, as well as lunging in coordination with their rackets.

During mindfulness we practiced "musical tracing".

In preparation for our field trip on Tuesday we returned to learning about communities, specifically Calgary, Alberta, and Canada in social studies. 

Reads of the Week

Responsible Work Choices of the Week


Have a great weekend,

Ms. Greenhall

Upcoming Dates

  • Friday, February 28th - PD Day - No School
  • Tuesday March 4th - Sam Centre Field Trip

  • Tuesday March 11th - Room 8 Tea Time Tuesday
  • Thursday, March 20 - A&W Fun Lunch
  • Thursday, March 20 - First Day of Spring 
  • Thursday, March 20 PM & Friday, March 21  AM - Student-Led Conferences
  • March 24-30 - Spring Break 

    EPIC reading App 
    Our class code is: ypq1713

    Khan Academy Kids App
    Our class is signed up on the the Khan Academy Kids App. This app has a variety of literacy and math activities to help support skill development. Here is our classroom login information if you would like to practice at home:

    Please note that when in a topic you may need to switch between "K", "grade 1" and "grade 2" to reflect your child's needs. Happy learning!