February 12th, 2025

Hello families,

This week was a short and busy one! In art we took part in an author study of Wassily Kandinsky. He is an abstract painter who is famous for his "Kandinsky Circles". We created Kandinsky inspired hearts for Valentine's day.



We also made Valentines friendship bracelets with our big buddies!

In mathematics we continued to practice addition and subtraction using base tens blocks.  Many students benefited from reminders to check their work to ensure they did the correct operation. 

Math Extension: Valentines Math Mystery!

In literacy we started a new writing workshop inspired by the book Sometimes I Feel like a Fox by Danielle Daniel. Students chose one of the Sacred Teachings that they connect with the most to write about. In their writing they included a personal example and scientific facts about the animal. Those who did not know much about their animal did some research on Pebble Go Kids.

We first planned using a graphic organizer, then drafted using the G.U.M. strategy (give it a try, underline, move on).


Daily L.A. stations included a Words Their Way sort with the pattern rule "dge"  and boggle boards!



Words Of The Week















In science we viewed the aquarium on Tuesday to see that the animals no longer have a yolk sac! We recorded our scientific observations and decided they are either a type of reptile or fish based on their needs, habitat, and bodies. 

Oh Wednesday we built habitats for the animals in small groups. I then announced that the animals are in fact a type of fish! The species of fish is still in question as we continue our inquiry.  Some guesses include: salmon, clownfish, trout, catfish, and shark.


Library Time

In gym we covered our dance unit! We watched videos of competitive dancers, and practiced dances such as the bunny hop(locomotion), macarena, cha cha slide and many more!


Thanks to the TD Grade One Book Giveaway program, grade 1 students brought home the book "Violet Shrink." 

Reads of the Week



Upcoming Field Trip
The online payment of $13.63 is now available on your My CBE account. 
Forms will be coming home next week

Have a great long weekend,

Ms. Greenhall

Upcoming Dates

  • February 13-14 - Teacher's Convention - No School

  • Monday, February 17th - Family Day - No School
  • Tuesday 18th - 100th Day of School 

  • Thursday, February 20th - Opa Fun Lunch
  • Wednesday February 26th - Pink Shirt Day 
  • Friday, February 28th - PD Day - No School

  • Tuesday March 4th - Sam Centre Field Trip
  • Tuesday March 11th - Room 8 Tea Time Tuesday

    EPIC reading App 
    Our class code is: ypq1713

    Khan Academy Kids App
    Our class is signed up on the the Khan Academy Kids App. This app has a variety of literacy and math activities to help support skill development. Here is our classroom login information if you would like to practice at home:

    Please note that when in a topic you may need to switch between "K", "grade 1" and "grade 2" to reflect your child's needs. Happy learning!