December 13, 2024
Hello families,
This week was a very busy one! We began by baking and packaging dog treats for the Pawsitive Match fundraiser. Thank you to the parents who came in and helped our class make the treats, and those who bought them!
Students also created posters to put around the school.
We took a break from baking and went for a walk. Our field sure was icy this week!
Thank you to everyone who donated to our Fill a Sock Fundraiser for the Mustard Seed. What a wonderful way to extend our learning of community and giving back to others!
We had our first Tea Time Tuesday. It was a great sucuess!
In literacy we created snowflake catching art and applied our knowledge of adjectives to create descriptive snowflakes.
We also learned about figurative language and wrote snowflake synonyms!
Words of the Week
In mathematics we created place value donuts to wrap up our learning about base tens. We will continue this into next week for those who are not done!
Students practiced representing numbers in the variety of ways we have learned so far, including open and closed number lines.
In Science we completed our matter unit with an assessment and began learning about sound energy. I love hearing the connections students are making from our Studio Bell field trip!
Next week in Science we will be working on a holiday themed S.T.E.M. challenge. Students are designing a blueprint with a material list in order to build their design. Today they will be bringing their material list home to collect recyclable items, as available, in their homes (possible decorations such as bows and stickers too! ). We have lots of items at school such as thick cardboard and pipe cleaners! Thin cardboard that a child can cut such as toilet paper rolls and popsicle sticks/straws would be much appreciated if you have any. Thank you!
On Friday we went for a walking field trip with room 10. We explored Wapta park and created stories with natural loose parts!
We made some polar bear art for our classroom!
Responsible Work Choices of the Week
Have a wonderful weekend,
Ms. Greenhall
Upcoming Dates
- Thursday, December 19th - Saucy Bread Company Fun Lunch
- Friday, December 20th - Last Day before Winter Break
- Monday, January 6th - Classes Resume
- Tuesday January 7th - Room 8 Tea Time Tuesday
- Thursday, January 9th - Subway Fun Lunch
- Thursday, January 23rd - The Lunch Lady Fun Lunch
- Friday, January 31st - PD Day