December 6th, 2024

Hello families,

The highlight of the week was our Studio Bell field trip! What a great experience to introduce our learning about movement, hearing, and sound. Thank you to the volunteers who joined us, the students had a great time! Don't mind the overload of pictures! If you see a picture of your child that you would like emailed to you please let me know.





We practiced labeling scientific sketches using the vocabulary we have learned in Science and ELA. Students used their 5 senses to observe an object in our garden and record their findings.


We also began learning about parts of speech and the Montessori grammar material. As a class we brain stormed different adjectives to describe snow using our senses! 

In literacy we wrote about our weekends and began learning about digraphs. Digraphs are two letters that make one sound! Ask your child what the animated literacy actions are for "sh, ck, ch, and th" ". We completed the corresponding Words Their Way sorts and those who wanted a challenge began writing the words beside the pictures based on the spelling pattern. 


Words Of The Week















In Social Studies/Science we learned about how Indigenous peoples use natural materials to make objects. Some of the things we explored were bags, clothing, tools, canoes, goggles, and drums!

In math we continued to develop our understanding of place value through base tens and expanded form. We also completed a December calendar.

We learned two new math games!

In gym we continued to practice our volleyball skills: serving, bumping and setting! We will be moving into floor hockey next week.

Winter Art

Reads of the Week

Responsible Workchoices of the Week

Tea Time Tuesday

I am happy to announce that Room 8 will be bringing back Montessori Tea Time Tuesday! It will take place on the first Tuesday of each monthDuring this time students will have the opportunity to practice life skills such as preparing, serving and cleaning up tea service alongside myself. The two flavours I will be providing for tea are peppermint and chamomile. If you wish to send a different tea flavour for your child, I am happy to provide warm water for them. 

Starting next week, students who wish to participate are invited to bring a preferabley non-breakable, labeled mug to keep at school (these will be returned at the end of the year). Students will be responsible for cleaning and caring for their mug for the remainder of the year and I will store them. Our first Tea Time will be Tuesday December 10th since I missed the first Tuesday in December! I look forward to enjoying tea with the class. 

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms. Greenhall

Upcoming Dates

  • Thursday, December 12th - Winter Event - Grade 1/2 Rooms 8, 10, and 13: 6:40 -6:50 pm performance time
  • Tuesday December 10th - Room 8 Tea Time Tuesday

  • Friday, December 20th - Last Day before Winter Break 
  • Monday, January 6th - Classes Resume
  • Tuesday January 7th - Room 8 Tea Time Tuesday
  • Friday, January 31st - PD Day 

Fill a Sock - This year LBS will be caring for our shared community of Calgary through the ‘Fill a Sock’ campaign through The Mustard Seed. This is a collaborative initiative for our learning community! Please ensure that purchased items are in their original packaging, and note that no food items (candy, chocolate etc.), or hand sanitizer and mouthwash will be accepted. Items will be collected from Monday December 2nd until Monday December 16th. Thank you for your support!

We are excited to share that the LBS Winter Event will be taking place on Thursday December 12th - LBS students and their household family members are welcome to attend. With over 360 students at our school, this will help keep the numbers manageable. Thank you for your understanding - we are looking forward to seeing you there!