November 22, 2024

Hello families,

This week we enjoyed the recent snowfall through lots of play and ensuring we are dressed for the weather by keeping track of our personal belongings such a mitts, hats, and snowpants!



In Social Studies we completed a writing workshop inspired by the book, The Best Part Of Me. Students were asked to choose a physical trait that they like the best about themselves such as their hands, smile, eyes etc. Our focus for this workshop was printing, spacing, and adding detail. They turned out great!


In spelling we practiced our words of the week using consonants/vowels, sail boat words, syllables, and capital letters. On Friday we completed our first spelling check in. Great work room 8!  I will be keeping this first check-in to see each student's growth over the year. Keep an eye out for future ones coming home on Fridays!



Here are the spelling words for next week. First five words for Grade 1 students and all ten for Grade 2s. Spicy words are optional.

Words Of The Week















Many students have completed their alphabet printing practice. Grade 1 students are now moving onto printing sentences while Grade 2s are learning cursive.

We also began the Words Their Way program which parallels our learning within the UFLI program. Students practiced sorting pictures based on short and long vowels. Ask you child what short vs long vowels mean.


We also played some Roll and Read games.

In math we continued to learn about place value. "Place value is how much a number is worth based on its position or where it lives." - Grade 2 student. We discussed how important it is to make sure the digits are in the right place value in real life such as when we are sharing, or buying something. (eg. giving the cashier $20 instead of $2)


We also played Snake and Ladders addition to practice our fact fluency and writing equations.

In Science we continued to learn about matter, specifically measurable properties!

Gym with our big buddies. Parachute is the best! 


Shark attack!! 

Reads of the Week

Responsible Work Choices of the Week



Thank you to everyone who has returned their field trip forms and culture webs. Our class has loved learning about each other's heritage and traditions

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms. Greenhall

Upcoming Dates

  • Monday November 25th - Field Trip Forms Due
  • Friday, November 29th - PD Day - No School
  • Wednesday, December 4th - Studio Bell Field Trip 
  • Thursday, December 12th - Winter Event - More information to come
  • Friday, December 20th - Last Day before Winter Break 
  • Monday, January 6th - Classes Resume
  • Friday, January 31st - PD Day 

Scholastic Book Orders 
If you are interested in ordering you can use our class code which helps us earn money towards new classroom books! Please have your orders in by November 30th and thank you for supporting our classroom library!

    Class Code: RC358893