April 14th, 2023
Hello families,
This week we completed our geometric flower art. They look amazing and are now on display above our class coat hooks!
In other math we continued to practice subtraction on a number line. One of the challenges many students are finding is choosing the appropriate number to put at the end of their number line, and remembering to count backwards instead of forwards! We will continue to work on number lines and practice this skill next week.
In writing students shared their "What's in My Pocket" writing plan with me 1:1 or in small groups. Together we went through and expanded on their ideas, and I helped spell tricky words! Students then began drafting in their writing book. Our focus this writing workshop is adding supporting details, and using the G.U.M. spelling strategy (give it a try, underline it, move on).
In Social Studies we continued to learn about the Inuit peoples, looking at the history and purpose of Inukshuks. Students then set up a sketchbook page in which they will record their ideas as we explore transportation, natural resources, lifestyle, and the landscape of Iqaluit. In the middle of their page students sketched an Inukshuk, using water-colour pencil crayons.

Have a great weekend,
Ms. Greenhall
Upcoming Dates
- Every Tuesday : Tea Time
- Home Reading and Library Books : Students can exchange as needed
- Monday April 17th and Monday April 24th : Artist in Residence
- Thursday April 20th: Healthy Hunger - Edo
We have Sharon Fortowsky returning for another artist in residency opportunity! She will be hosting two sessions with us: Monday April 17th and Monday April 24th. Both sessions are 12:30pm - 1:30pm. Please email me if you would like to volunteer for this upcoming Monday! I will be away for the first session so any help would be appreciated!
Guest Reader
Hello room 8 families,
We are excited to be bringing back our classroom Guest Reader program. This is an optional opportunity for students to read a book aloud to their classmates. Students can choose a book from home or a book from the classroom to practice. The book should take 5-7 minutes to read and students should have plenty of practice prior to their reading day. Students can practice reading to their family members, their pets, or even their stuffed animals! Students who are do not want to read in front of the whole class can always read to a partner in the library instead. If a guest reader is away on their day, we will reschedule as needed. Here is a reminder of our success criteria:
Scholastic Book FlyersLooking to shop for books online through Scholastic year round? I have set up a scholastic account for our class! Happy reading!
Class Code: RC358893