January 13th, 2023
Hello families,
This week we jumped back into our school routines and spent some time sharing about our Winter break through a sharing circle and writing.
We also reviewed "sky, grass, ground" letters and practiced our writing stamina. Some students practiced copying a paragraph, while others used a picture prompt to create their own.
Students then completed multiple computations to find their sub totals, and then a final sum, representing their final answer in a sentence with a dollar unit.
We learned two new math games: Erase (with 10 sided dice) and Go Fish for Ten. Ask your child how to play these games and try them at home!
Students also worked on theirJanuary calendars and added on to their number representation page. Our last one is number lines!
In Science we created a documentation board on our exploration of snow, including temperature experiments, books we read, and corresponding interdisciplinary activities we have completed over the last few weeks.
In Social Studies we continued to learn about the 7 Sacred Teachings, looking at Sabe- Honesty, and Beaver- Wisdom. Students reflected on their Seven Sacred Teaching pages in their sketchbook and chose the one they are most proud of so far. This personal reflection will be included in their report card comment.
In gym we enjoyed our new gym floors and continued with our basketball unit. Students practiced dribbling, bounce and chest passing, as well as some shooting. Thursday we learned about defence/ offence and strategies to get the ball from someone or protect it. The games we played included "Red Light, Green Light" and "Fox in the Henhouse".
This week we took part in lots of "tub time" before the end of the day. This is when materials are placed around the classroom for STEM opportunities and the development of skills such as building, designing, and problem solving.
Check out some responsible work choices students made this week.
Have a great weekend,
Ms. Greenhall
Upcoming Dates
- Every Tuesday - Library
- Home Reading Books - Students can exchange as needed
- Thursday January 26th - Fun Lunch: Saucy Bread Company
- MondayJanuary 30th -Report Cards Available Online
- Friday February 3rd -PD Day: No School
- Feb 16th- 17th: Teacher's Convention
- Monday - February 20th - Family Day: No School
Listen to Reading
The Daily LA Listen to Reading station can be quite distracting for other students if headphones aren't used. If you are able to send headphones for your child to keep in their cubby at school, that would be very helpful.
Hello families,
Looking to shop for books online through Scholastic year round? I have set up a scholastic account for our class! Happy reading!
Class Code: RC358893