September 9, 2022
Hello families,
This week students continued to build their understanding of classroom routines and expectations while also introducing/reviewing the Montessori Work Period.
In math we began exploring patterns! Students used materials to practice repetition and making different cores such as AB, ABB, ABC, ABBC.
We also learned a math game called "Make Ten". Ask your child to teach you how to play! Math games are a fun way to practice basic math facts at home as well!
In literacy students were introduced to "Daily LA" where they had a choice between read to self or read with a partner. More stations will be introduced as the year goes on. We also began going through the Animated Literacy program to help us review our phonetic knowledge through actions.
Each student received a doodle book and designed their own cover. Doodle books are great for drawing and writing as a responsible work choice! Whiteboards were also utilized for some sketching practice.
Check out some of these responsible work choices students made throughout the week!
On Thursday we met our grade 5/6 buddies next door! Ask your child about their buddy as they got to know eachother by playing a couple games together.
During snack time students will be using placemats in their space as part of our Montessori practical-life learning. Our laminated placemats don't hold out very well so we are asking for a placemat from home if possible. Something simple that can fit in your child's lunch kit is perfect - even a tea towel works! The placemat is meant to travel to and from school each day. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.
If your child is going to be absent, please make sure to contact the phone via phone or email. I would also appreciate being cc'd on the email so I am kept in the loop!
Physical Education
This year, we will have a gym time every other day. On the days that we do not have time in the gym, we will be going outside for phys ed. Please make sure your child has appropriate shoes for both indoor and outdoor phys ed. At LBS, we love to go outside in all types of weather (unless it's colder than -20) so we will be going outside - rain or shine!
During snack time students will be using placemats in their space as part of our Montessori practical-life learning. Our laminated placemats don't hold out very well so we are asking for a placemat from home if possible. Something simple that can fit in your child's lunch kit is perfect - even a tea towel works! The placemat is meant to travel to and from school each day. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.
If your child is going to be absent, please make sure to contact the phone via phone or email. I would also appreciate being cc'd on the email so I am kept in the loop!
Physical Education
This year, we will have a gym time every other day. On the days that we do not have time in the gym, we will be going outside for phys ed. Please make sure your child has appropriate shoes for both indoor and outdoor phys ed. At LBS, we love to go outside in all types of weather (unless it's colder than -20) so we will be going outside - rain or shine!
Please make sure to check your child's backpack for a brown envelope! Some paperwork is digital this year and the rest is in the envelope to be returned to me as soon as possible.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Ms. Greenhall
Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday, September 21st - Peace Day
- Wednesday, September 21st - Terry Fox Run
- Thursday, September 22nd - Welcome Back BBQ and Open House
- Friday, September 21st - PD Day - No School
- Thursday, September 29th - Orange Shirt Day (If you are able, please prepare your child to have an orange shirt in support of this day)
- Friday, September 30th - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - No School