Hello families,
This week we spent a lot of time outdoors between our tai chi residency and sit spots. We have moved into fiction writing in Language Arts, so of course we had to create comics during one of our sit spots!
We also explored patterns in nature!
As we began learning about fiction writing, studies created an alternate ending to the book "Bad Dog", sharing it with their peers after for a good laugh.
We then learned about the writing technique SWASBUT (Somebody, Wants, Something, But, Then), practicing by filling out a graphic organizer with stories like the Three Little Pigs and the "Very Hungry Caterpillar".
We then moved on to twisted fairy tales, using the graphic organizer to change up parts of a story. We started with changing the problem in the Little Red Riding fairy tale.
We then practiced changing the characters in Goldilocks and the Three bears. So much fun!
The One and Only Ivan novel has almost come to an end. We created our "Ivan page" illustrating what he looks like, his personality traits, adaptations, and habitat needs.
In math we created some fraction name math art (MART), and completed some word problems to ensure we are still practicing our number sense and mathematical vocabulary.
In science our caterpillars are hard a work creating their chrysalis. Some of them are ready to hang in their enclosure in our classroom.

We discussed symmetry and practiced drawing a butterfly by following reference points of half a picture. Students used their math knowledge from their geoaetricity projects to measure and count on the grid, aiming to get as close as they could to the original half.
Our tai chi residency was such an excellent experience this week! Students were great at showing respect, effort, and mindfulness during the ying, and yang practices. We will continue the residency on Tuesday and Thursday next week.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Library Books
All books are expected to be returned at the latest by June 13th.
Upcoming Dates
June 14th and 16th - Tai Chi residency (inside and outside as weather permits)
June 19th- Father's Day
June 21st -National Indigenous Day LBS Assembly and Camping Day for room 4 &5 (more information to come)
June 23rd - Room 4 and 5 Sharing Assembly
June 24th - LBS Sports Day
June 28th - Last Day of Classes
Hello families,Looking to shop for books online through Scholastic year round? I have set up a scholastic account for our class! Happy reading!
Class Code: RC358893