December 10th, 2021
Hello families,
This week we finally jumped into our drum making. It has been a long time leading up to this and I can see the great interdisciplinary connections students are making throughout the project. From hearing and sound, mathematical patterning, our Indigenous artist study of Norval Morriseau, the class read-out-loud novel Finders Keepers, writing about simile animals, and our ongoing Indigenous education, our learning has come full circle.
In math we have been learning/reviewing subtraction vocabulary as well as subtracting without borrowing, and then subtraction with borrowing. Some strategies students are practicing are counting backwards, counting forwards, and using place value (stacking). Students also practiced using Montessori materials such as the base ten blocks, the bead bars. It is great to see many students discovering the close relationship between addition and subtraction, and using this to problem solve. We also moved into subtractions word problems.
As we continue to practice using transition words in our writing, we converted our usual "Weekend Writing" into a writing workshop. Using a graphic organizer students needed to sttttrrreeeeeaaaaccchhh out their events by adding detail and transition words. This skill will be built upon as we move into procedural writing next week and into the new year!
We kept a close eye on the weather this week, recording the temperature in the morning, lunch, and afternoon. Students made a discovery that a thermometer is much like a timeline, only vertical! Using degrees Celsius, we practice making estimates based on the time of day (where the sun is) and how the weather feels when we go outside.
We also conducted a science experiment using thermometers and exploring different states of matter.
During Daily LA we have been focusing in on word work using the Montessori phonogram cards and some new literacy games such as Banana Grams, and CHUNKS. I have noticed during "read with teacher" many groups are moving up in their reading level. Woohoo!
During literacy intervention we have been focusing on things such as:
- segmenting (breaking up words based on their sounds C/A/T)
- short vowels
- long vowels with silent "e"
- vowel teams with long vowels
We also continued to explore maps, referring to our ancestor map and a map of the world, Canada, Alberta, Calgary. Our class had many great ideas about how maps are used to help us. We examined a map of a zoo and followed instructions to navigate a path around the zoo. So fun!
This week students did an excellent job at practicing mindfulness. Here are some of the things that help our class find calmness and peace.
Curious what our Montessori Work Period board looks like? Here is a snap shot of some tasks that were in our Work Period this week. Students practice responsibility and independence in moving through each task at their own pace, ensuring all tasks are completed within the set time frame.
Have a great weekend,
Miss. Greenhall
Important Dates
December 11 – Staff Holiday PartyDecember 16 - Ugly Sweater Day
December 17 - PJ Day
December 20-Jan 3- Winter Break