Hello room 5 families,
What a busy week we have had! Continuing with our math representation art, we created base ten donuts and number line pianos. We also practiced applying our knowledge of place value to stacked equations by carrying the tens up to solve for the sum.
In our Words Their Way program, students received their own personalized words and visuals. We practiced sorting with a partner, independently, and glueing them into our books to use for our literacy Tic- Tac- Toes during Opening Task.
We also started a new book titled Finders Keepers by Andrea Spalding. Here is the synopsis:
While walking through a field, Danny finds an 8,000-year-old arrowhead. After he shows his friend Joshua, who lives on the Peigan reserve at Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, the two go on buffalo hunts, powwows, archaeological digs, and break in to the local museum. Grappling with dyslexia and unsure of his place in the world, Danny follows the arrowhead into a distant past and back again as he learns about himself and the people who came before him.
In writing we have been extending our knowledge of similes. Introduced to similes with our "Color Monster" writing, we now have had some time to practice creating our own! Students also created a "Sensory Self" page, labeling parts of them and adding details pertaining to their senses.
Using a mirror helped a lot with this task!
In science we have delved into a bat inquiry making connections between hearing and sound, comparisons, and facts vs opinions. We are also trying out our "Get Ready, Do, Done" board to follow instructions.
We sketched a good copy of our ornamental pumpkin sketches, using pastels and smudging to create realistic colours.
Thursday afternoon we went to the garden and completed our second thinking routine of "How to Be an Explorer". Students took on an Indigenous perspective by categorizing things that are alive, and things that are not alive but still are considered to have a soul.
During our walking field trip on Friday we took part in a "Zooming In" thinking routine and a listening circle with Mr. Link's class.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. greenhall
Important Dates
November 10: Remembrance Day at School
November 11: Remembrance Day – No School
November 12: Non-instructional Day
November 25-26: School Conferences – more information to come
November is movement month at LBS! We are encouraging students to be active throughout the winter with a movement challenge for move-ember :).
Students are encouraged to keep track of their movement minutes outside of school time from November 1-30. I have attached a Google Doc for each student to record their minutes on Google Classroom if they wish.
Let’s encourage each other to be active and healthy! See the video for more information about our at school and at home challenges for the month.
Hello Families!
So far, our food drive to support the Veterans Food Bank is off to a great start! Please ensure all items are not expired. As of today we have collected 112 food items! Our goal is to collect 500 items and we hope that you will continue to help us not only reach that goal, but make a positive difference in the lives of veterans. Keep up the generosity LBS Community!
Did you know that the food items that food banks are in need of are:
- Canned Beans, Vegetables, and Meats (Fish or Chicken)
- Cooking Oil
- Crackers
- Nuts
- Spices
- Granola Bars
- Peanut Butter
- Cereal
- Soup, Chili and Stew
Thank you!
The Students in Action Club