November 19th 2021
Hello families,
This week we started to create a sketchbook page based on our read-out-loud novel Finders Keepers. We began by replicating the map found in the front of the book and identifying where our two main characters, Danny and Joshua, live. Next week we will continue with our exploration Indigenous storytelling and historical landmarks.
In math we continued with the "T-Shirt Problem". The class took part in several number talks about skip counting and repeated addition as these are strategies we can apply to this mathematical problem. We also discussed and defined the parts of a bar graph, co-creating as a class a checklist to refer to independently and with a peer to ensure our bar graphs met the success criteria. This math problem will be shared with you during conferences.
In preparation for this weeks writing workshop, we created two different sketchbook pages including "Sensory Self" and "Simile Self". These tasks scaffolded student's understanding of similes and allowed them to practice creating their own!
Beginning our writing workshop, we looked at the mentor text Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox by Danielle Daniel. Students choose an animal that they connected with and created a writing piece including smilies about themselves and that animal. I am hoping to share these pieces of writing with you for conferences as students complete them early next week.
In literacy groups my group has been learning all about literacy games. We have been practicing playing Scrabble, Quiddler, Pick Two, Boggle and Scrabble Flash.
I look forward to meeting with you during conferences next week and have a wonderful weekend.
Miss. Greenhall
Important Dates
Wednesday November 24 - School Shirt Day
Thursday November 25 - 4:00-7:40 School Conferences
Friday November 26 - 8:00-1:00 School Conferences
Dear families,
Our school’s Scholastic Virtual Book Fair will begin next week! Our very own shopping site will be open from Monday, November 22nd – Sunday, November 28th
Experience the joy of a Book Fair online by joining us at our Virtual Family Event! Make your favourite snacks, and come together as a family to view the fun, exciting and inspiring titles. A link will be sent out on Monday the 22nd.
Share this link with Grandparents, too! Extended family can participate in the Virtual Book Fair from the comfort of home.
Remember, all purchases benefit our school and earn Rewards that can be redeemed for books and Education Resources for our school’s classrooms and library.
Thank you for participating in our
Scholastic Virtual Book Fair!
Happy reading!
Hello Families!
Wow! The students In Action Club are blown away by your donations. When we add up all of the items brought in, we ended up with a grand total of 1,152 food items! Way to show care and generosity LBS! By donating these items, you have helped make a huge positive change in the lives of Veterans that needed our help.
The Students in Action Club would like to thank you for helping make this food drive such a success. Please check out the stop motion clip that we made to track our growing donations table.
The Students in Action Club