October 8th 2021

Hello room 5 families,

This week we focused on carrying using base ten blocks and representing larger numbers in the hundreds and thousands. In addition  students gathered data for a pictograph, representing their data using a symbol and a key. For example, one apple = 2 votes.  We used pizza data and discussed how skip counting can help us determine how many pizza symbols are needed to be recorded for each category. 

We also learned a new math game called Monster Munch! This game along with several others can be found on my Google Classroom if you wish to play them at home with your child.

We finished up our Every Child Matters Art, including phrases and words we think are important.

In our hearing and sound unit we explored the idea of sound waves including amplitude (loudness) and pitch. It was so much fun trying to describe and find sounds that fit into each category!

In writing we practiced writing letters expressing to someone why we are thankful for them. We also reviewed the importance of "sky, grass, and ground" letters, as well as the general success criteria we use for all writing:

  • date
  • skip lines
  • capitals in right place
  • punctuation 
  • GUM (give it a try to spell, underline, move on)

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Miss. Greenhall

Important Dates

October 7: ADmazing Savings Books were Due

October 8: Organizational day - No School

October 11: Thanksgiving Day-  No School

October 14: Crazy Hair Day

October 21- PJ Day

October 29: Halloween