October 29th 2021

Hello families,

This week we began by completing our tissue paper pumpkin art! They turned out beautiful.


For opening task some students finished up with their printing books while others did their word work tic-tac-toes! We also started the Words Their Way literacy program which will be incorporated into opening task next week.

Students who finish opening task early can move on to a responsible work choice!


In Writing Workshop we learned about the COPSS editing strategy. We put on our detective hats and searched our writing for capitals, order (grammar), punctuation, spacing and spelling. After editing independantly, a detective friend helped review our work incase we missed anything.

Once students finished editing they moved onto their final draft, accompanying it with some great Color Monster art!


In gym we have been playing some fun cooperative games such as "Ghost Busters" and "Pumpkins and Ghosts" relay racing. 

In math we explored expanded form by creating our own numbers with the Montessori place value cards. We then created a fun sketchbook page to demonstrate our understanding!

We also played two new math games! 

As we learn about Indigenous storytelling, we read two stories about coyote and created a character profile, including why storytelling is important. 

We also learned and practiced 8 different sketchbook techniques!

After learning the techniques, we took our field journals outside and started our first sit spot of "How to Be An Explorer".

As a class we practiced logging onto Google Classroom and working on a collaborative document. We brainstormed spooky words, including onamonapias! This task allowed us practice our patience and collaboration skills.

On Halloween at LBS we started the day with writing some "Who Am I?" riddles and then moved into the Halloween parade with our cohort! We then created spooky ghost art using the onomatopoeia words we brainstormed as a class. 

We also  carved our classroom pumpkin! 

Can you guess what our costumes were?

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss. Greenhall

 Important Dates

November 2: Photo Retakes

November 4: Mustache Day 

November 10: Remembrance Day at School 

November 11: Remembrance Day – No Nchool 

November 12: Non-instructional Day 

November 25-26: School Conferences – more information to come 


November is movement month at LBS! We are encouraging students to be active throughout the winter with a movement challenge for move-ember :).

Students are encouraged to keep track of their movement minutes outside of school time from November 1-30. I have attached a Google Doc for each student to record their minutes on Google Classroom if they wish.  


Let’s encourage each other to be active and healthy! See the video for more information about our at school and at home challenges for the month.



Veterans Food Drive

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

The Grade 6 Students in Action Club have organized and will be running a food drive starting on November 1st and ending on November 16th. The collected food will be going to the Veterans Food Bank, as Remembrance Day is coming up and we would like to show our appreciation for our Veterans.  This also connects to our learning in preparing for the upcoming Remembrance Day assembly that Room 7 and Room 8 will be hosting. 

Please bring non-perishable, non-expired food items such as: soup, pasta, baby food, cereal, peanut butter, protein or granola bars, trail mix and canned goods like fish or vegetables. Any other non-perishable items that you think of are welcomed to be donated. Don’t forget to try and bring some gluten free or nut free items in case of anyone with allergies.

Written by: Lily and Will