October 22nd, 2021
Hello families,
This week we applied our learning of the human ear to animal ears, specifically animals found in Alberta. We reviewed the human ear anatomy and learned about each animal. Students then cut and matched the vocabulary to the appropriate label, and at the end we matched each animal ear to their animal!
We also finished up our ethnobotany notes about the wild rose.
In math each student received a "Representing Numbers" booklet where they chose a number that is at the just right level for them to represent. The next page they had a partner choose a just right number for them to represent, and next week Ms. Greenhall will choose a just right number for them to complete on their final page.
This week we began to practice more intentional Mindfulness sessions. We discussed what it feels like to be mindful, and how there are may different ways to practice it. I introduced a "Buddha Board" , "Zen Garden" , and several puzzles into our room to add additional opportunities to practice mindfulness.
On Friday we began some pumpkin art using the paper mâché method on paper.Important Dates
October 29: Halloween @ LBS
November 4: Mustache Day
November 10: Remembrance Day at SchoolNovember 11: Remembrance Day – No Nchool
November 12: Non-instructional Day
November 25-26: School Conferences – more information to come
November is movement month at LBS! We are encouraging students to be active throughout the winter with a movement challenge for move-ember :).
Students are encouraged to keep track of their movement minutes outside of school time from November 1-30. The class that earns the most movement minutes at the end of the month will earn a special reward! Please support your child in tracking their movement minutes either on Google Classroom or hardcopy (this will be specified by your child's teacher).
Let’s encourage each other to be active and healthy! See the video for more information about our at school and at home challenges for the month.