Hello families,
This year students did a wonderful job at practicing perseverance, and stamina during the Terry Fox run. We learned about Terry Fox and discussed the importance of always trying our best and how diversity is beautiful. To show our appreciation we created some Terry Fox posters.

We also learned about concrete (shape) poems and made one about Terry Fox! Students used their shoes as a template for their shape, including a Terry Fox quote of their choice in the middle.
I am happy to see our opening task routine has been established! Many students are showing independence when coming into the classroom in the morning and starting their tasks. These tasks currently include practicing their printing or spelling, and place value practice. Here are two examples of opening tasks done today!
In math students practiced collecting data from a picture, creating a T-chart to record their data, and then using their T-chart to create a bar graph.
As we practice place value alongside graphing, we learned a modified version of "The Biggest Number" using dice.
In Art we began a tree collage project. This requires lots of find motor practice through ripping and gluing. These will be our large sketchbook covers once completed!
As we continue to edit and revise for our first writer's workshop piece, students utilized their personal dictionaries (Words, Words, Words Book) to look up common words they may not know how to spell. We also took pictures of the Best Part of Me, which will be accompanied with their final copy. Lots of students chose "hands"!
In our hearing and sound unit we reviewed the anatomy of the human ear. Some students practiced matching pre-set words with the diagram, while others read an article to find the appropriate terms to fill in.
Lastly, we practiced two different sit spots this week. Our first sit spot was out in the South field and students could sketch anything they saw.
Our second sit spot explored Indigenous ties to the land. We talked about different ways of understanding and appreciating nature, making connections to the living land. Looking at the 4 directions (North, East, West, and South) we sketched a natural thing that we saw when facing each direction. We finished the sit spot off with a sharing circle.
We also began to discuss the significance of Orange shirt day and watched a read out loud of When I Was Eight, by Christy Jordan-Fenton and Margaret Pokiak-Fenton. Students had many questions about the history of residential schools with the most common question being "why?" As we move into next week, and with Orange Shirt day on Wednesday, September 29th, we will be exploring student questions in more depth.
Thank you for those who responded to my email and scheduled a meeting with me tomorrow. Formal conferences will be held in November and I look forward to connecting with all of you then!
Please return forms that were sent home in brown folders as soon as possible.
If you wish to not participate in ADmazing Savings, please return the folder and book back to school with your child.
Have a great weekend!
Miss. Greenhall
Important Dates
September 24 : Virtual Classroom Tour
September 28 : Picture Day
September 29 : Orange Shirt Day
September 30 : Non-operational Day
ADmazing Savings Coupon Books
ADmazing Savings Fundraiser has begun! The proceeds from this fundraising activity will be used directly in your child’s classroom. Books are available for $25.00 each, of which Lake Bonavista will use $11.50 for the benefit of our students.
If you wish to take advantage of these discounts, please complete the order form printed on the back on the ADmazing envelope, and enclose the correct amount of money - $25.00 per book ordered. - directly to your child’s classroom teacher by Thursday, October 7th, 2021 or earlier.
Please ensure if you are returning the book that you have not scratched off the code area for the app, as the book will not be returnable if the code is visible.
Additional books for Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer or Southern Alberta may be ordered at $25.00 each for family, friends and relatives. If you wish to order additional books, please send your order as soon as possible to your child’s teacher so that the order can be filled. As a school, we discourage door-to-door solicitation.
Virtual Open House
What an amazing school year start-up we have been having at LBS! Typically, at this time of year, we host Parent Teacher Conferences in an Open House format. With restrictions due to Covid-19, our format has been adjusted. This year, each class has created a video to introduce families to our school, answer commonly asked questions and show details of how our class works. These videos will be released on Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 4:00 pm. If you have questions after viewing the video, please reach out. We are certainly missing seeing families in our school building and look forward to future opportunities where this may be possible.